Project Medusa

Project summary

The project MEDUSA – Empowering youth and youth workers to recognize and respond to cyber violence by transgressing gender stereotypes with its activities aims to contribute to the construction and implementation of an integrated approach for the recognition and prevention of online gender-based violence and harassment among young people. Based on the principle of gender equality, MEDUSA inherently aims to promote inclusivity and diversity among young people and youth workers through a series of awareness-raising, education, and other preventive activities, which at the same time strengthens the international aspect of awareness about the problem of online violence. 

Project goals


Educating and sensitizing young people for recognizing and preventing online gender-based violence on one side, and empowering youth workers for a strengthened response for victims of such violence on the other.


Development of innovative and customised content for both target groups to empower them with knowledge about and skills to combat online gender-based violence.


Raising awareness among the general public about the presence and consequences of online gender-based violence.


Strengthening cooperation between the partner countries.

Project partners

The Gender Equality Research Institute is a non-governmental, non-profit and voluntary organization that aims at deepening the understanding of gender equality in Slovenian society. Our vision is based on creating and promoting activities that contributes to building a society that will completely overcome barriers due to gender dimensions. Our main goal is thus to draw attention to existing gender stereotypes and socially assigned gender roles, which, due to expectations, ideas and patterns of behaviour, determine many restrictions and subordinations to everyone. We see the main purpose of our activity in raising awareness among different segments of the public about the social construction of these roles and about the importance of including all genders in building a community based on the principle of non-discrimination and equal opportunities. As a member of the National Expert Council for Gender Equality at the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, IPES carried out activities to assess the impact of emerging legislation on gender equality in 2019-2020. In addition, IPES is an external member of the Working Group on Gender Equality and Diversity within CEC European Managers, an organization that acts as one of the social partners of the European Commission. In 2022, IPES also became a public interest status holder in the field of equal opportunities for women and men.




CESIE is a non-profit and non-governmental organization, which was founded in 2001. CESIE works as one of the European centers for research and initiatives, and it was established with the idea of continuing the work of sociologist Danilo Dolci, which means that CESIE strives with its activities to co-shape an inclusive and equal society for all people, and directs its activities to the research of existing social challenges. CESIE is committed to promoting cultural, social, educational and economic development at the local, national, European and international levels and contributes to growth and development through the active participation of people, civil society and institutions. The organization actively connects research with action using formal and informal learning approaches that are designed with sensitivity to the personal circumstances of vulnerable groups and individuals. CESIE coordinates the CESIE network, which consists of more than 3,000 different organizations such as universities, schools, research centers, public authorities, private entities, youth centers and entrepreneurs.




MMH is the largest and most extensive association of youth organizations in Croatia, which currently includes more than 70 local and national organizations. The organization, which is recognized as the central national youth council of Croatia, is a member of the European Youth Forum. MMH is a heterogeneous platform that connects different organizations (focused on advocacy, culture, social issues, minority issues, etc.) that have a common interest in the development of youth policies at the local, regional, national and European level. MMH achieves its goals through networking, advocacy, establishing dialogues and partnerships, informing, non-formal education, research and publishing. The main goals of the organization are: (1) raising awareness among young people about the importance of active participation in society; (2) co-creating and advocating quality youth policies at the local, national and international level and putting young people’s rights on the social agenda; (3) contributing to the development of civil society by participating in the formulation and implementation of policies related to the development of civil society.




Mreža MaMa  is a national network organization, founded in 2001, that unites and represents organizations that carry out the activities of youth centers in Slovenia. The organization currently includes 50 members who have the status of a youth center or perform the activities of a youth center. The MaMa network with its operations:

  • Connects organizations that carry out the activities of youth centers or work in the field of youth work in Slovenia; 
  • Represents the common interests of its members in relation to various stakeholders;
  • Regularly informs members and other interested public about all activities related to youth and youth work;
  • Organizes regular meetings and promotes communication between members;
  • Provides professional assistance to members;
  • Provides non-formal education for young people and youth workers;
  • Strengthens youth centers and youth work at the local level.





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